Wangaratta — Benalla — Myrtleford
Lake Rowan Children's Feet Treatment
Lake Rowan Childrens Feet problems can be treated by a specialist at The Foot Centre in Wangaratta
A child’s pattern of walking differs to that of the adult population. From our first step through to fluid walking and running our bodies, especially our legs and feet are continually developing. Problems can arise. But we’re here to help.
Need Help? Call Us
(03) 5721 5100
- 10 Docker St. Wangaratta
- 47-51 Nunn St. Benalla
- 190 Myrtle St. Myrtleford
About THe TreatmenT
When a young child begins to walk their parents may notice flat feet and a bandied leg appearance, as the child develops into a toddler changes such as the development of knocked knees may become evident.
These appearances can be normal in childhood development however if these signs are prolonged, asymmetrical, become symptomatic and cause pain or progressively get worse that is of concern.
Lake Rowan children’s feet problems needn’t go unseen. Come and see us at The Foot Centre Wangaratta. Contact us to book an appointment.
It is recommended that if you are worried about how your child is walking or they are experiencing pain that they be seen by a podiatrist to ensure that no future, long term problems arise. Below is a list of common childhood foot and leg conditions:
- Flat feet Pigeon toes/knocked knees
- Growing pains
- Infection - skin and nails
- Sever’s disease
- Osgood-Schlatters disease
- Metatarsus adductus Warts

Children's Feet Factsheet
Lake Rowan Children’s feet problems can be easily overlooked. But with The Foot Centre Wangaratta so close, taking care of their feet is just as important as any other part of their body. Proper foot care can prevent a variety of problems and ensure that children stay comfortable and active.
Lake Rowan children's feet problems?
Foot problems in Lake Rowan? Come see us in Wangaratta.
Our Wangaratta podiatrist team loves coming up with innovative ideas to help improve your foot health. We welcome Lake Rowan patients.
The Best Health Strategy is Prevention
Our Wangaratta foot care team is here to solve Lake Rowan children’s feet problems. We love coming up with innovative and simple ideas to improve and continue to enhance your health and wellbeing. Make sure you check back regularly to find out the latest and greatest from The Foot Centre.
Lake Rowan Children's Feet Patients
Are you in Lake Rowan? Get Treated at The Foot Centre Wangaratta
Local Podiatrist Clinic Serving the Lake Rowan Community
Located just 35 kilometers from the Foot Centre Wangaratta, Lake Rowan is a small and peaceful town in North East Victoria. The town is named after the nearby Lake Rowan, which offers visitors stunning views and ample opportunities for fishing, boating, and other water-based activities.
Visitors can also explore the historic sites of the area, including the Lake Rowan Memorial Hall and the Lake Rowan War Memorial. The town’s close proximity to several major regional cities makes it an ideal base for exploring North East Victoria’s many attractions.
To plan your visit to Lake Rowan, check out the official website of Rural City of Wangaratta or Visit Victoria’s website for more information on local attractions and events.
Lake Rowan children's feet problems? Get it Treated in Wangaratta
Let's Figure it Out and Fix It
Achilles tendinitis can be painful and often debilitating ...

Football and tennis player, runners and dancers are particularly susceptible to this problem because their activities …
Bunions look like a bump on the side of the big toe ...

But a bunion is more than that. The visible bump actually reflects changes in the bony framework of the foot …
A child’s pattern of walking is different from adults ...

From our first step through to running our bodies, especially our legs and feet are continually developing ..
A callous is an area of hard, thickened skin on the foot ...

A callous is formed in response to pressure or friction. The body protects skin tissues from pressure or friction …
Diabetes affects the whole body, and perhaps your feet ...

Diabetes is a condition in which the body cannot sufficiently convert food into energy. It is a disorder of …
Over-pronation, or flat feet, is a common problem ...

Pronation is part of the body’s natural complex shock absorption. But the arch of the foot can flatten too much …
You may not think of knee pain as being related to your feet ...

But poor foot function can be a factor that causes pain further up the body, in the knees, hips and lower back …
This Therapy is a form of manual therapy for foot and leg pain ...

FMT comes from ‘manipulative therapy’ modalities, and is aimed at assisting in healing your foot and leg pain
Heel pain is one of the most common conditions we treat ...

There are over 48 causes of heel pain (some very serious), so a correct diagnosis is the first step …
Pain in the forefoot (or ball of the foot) is hard to diagnose ...

Our podiatrists have expert knowledge of the anatomy of the forefoot ensuring an in-depth examination …
Ingrown toenails can be a very painful condition ...

Because of fear of surgery many people put off seeking treatment. But surge is often not required …
Orthoses are custom made insoles for YOUR feet ...

After a bio-mechanical assessment, orthoses are designed to decrease abnormal forces in your feet …
Used to treat plantar heel pain, Achillespain, bunions etc ...

We use TDN in conjunction with other treatments to improv muscle function, neurological conduction, vascularity…